Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wyeast Bag

My husband challenged me with the task of making a bag for his boss using their company's packaging as a Christmas gift. At first I was excited by the idea of using a new material to create a bag. I had seen a similar bag and had an idea of how I wanted to make it. I don't know how many times I have thanked my lucky stars for buying my industrial machine this year! I can sew through anything! Little did I realize how difficult this project was going to be when I agreed to it. I should remind you that I am a self-taught sewer and that I rarely know what I am doing when I begin a project. Once again I found myself in the situation of not thinking through the project and wishing I had sewed the straps on before constructing the bag. This was also the first time I had finished off a bag with nylon cording. The liquid yeast bags are not very flexible, compared to traditional fabric, and working with inflexible corners was difficult. After 3 or more hours and 2 attempts, I completed the bag.
I am very proud of completing this bag because there were many times that I was ready to call it quits. I think my husband's boss will love the bag... I just hope it doesn't fall apart!!!

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